Human Centered Design ········· 2020

We Are What We Read.
We are taught it is not good to look stupid. Rewards come from answering “I know”.
Find your niche of ability and revel in it!
We are what we read. Information is everything.
How opposite is our life from what we’ve been taught?

Richard Saul Wurman begins his book Information Architects by revealing facts about reality that are often overlooked. Getting stuck in a cycle is easy when you don’t benefit from questioning the systems in place.

To break these cycles and dismantle unsustainable systems, we as designers must be thoughtful with our approach to solutions. Sure, we can appreciate a beautifully made heat map of the political climate in the country, but if the information is structured in a way that could be misleading, the visualization becomes more problematic than beneficial.

For example, in the 2016 American Presidental election, polls predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to take the presidency. Now, in 2020, we are well aware that didn’t happen and an error in data collection could have been a contributing factor. Leading up to the election in 2016, not many Americans without a college education were polled, and that is a large portion of Donald Tr*mp’s supporters. Some would argue that these numbers gave people a false sense of hope that led them to not vote, therefore costing Hillary the position.

As a member of a marginalized group, I often focus my work on topics related to social issues, humanity, society, etc. These issues are often quite dense and require a lot of understanding and learning. With every project, I strive to create solutions that are both accurately informative and visually appealing. This is challenging at times, but more often than not the reward of making even the smallest impact is worth it.